

You’re One Contentify Article Away From All The Traffic You’ll Ever Need” 

 Contentify is the software that takes care of ALL of your content creation needs. It’s your one stop, 
all in one fix for producing killer content like a writer would, but without the cost of paying a writer. Just imagine how much traffic you’ll be able to generate with the ability to effortlessly churn out high quality content that Google loves to rank As Effortless As It Gets! Ethically Piggyback Off Of OTHERS Content For Unlimited Free Traffic… 

 You see, there are MILLIONS of videos uploaded on YouTube right now. They’re receiving billions of views. They’re proven to pull in visitors. And the content is grade A+ quality. You see, there are MILLIONS of videos uploaded on YouTube right now. They’re receiving billions of views. 

 They’re proven to pull in visitors. And the content is grade A+ quality. Contentify’s proprietary AI turns those videos into fully fledged, high quality, articles, optimized to rank to the top of Google. Question... You see, there are MILLIONS of videos uploaded on YouTube right now. 

 They’re receiving billions of views. They’re proven to pull in visitors. And the content is grade A+ quality. Contentify’s proprietary AI turns those videos into fully fledged, high quality, articles, optimized to rank to the top of Google. Question... 

 Do you know what it’s like to have your page rank #1 on Google? Do you know how many visitors you could start driving to your links? Do you know how many leads you could get? You see, there are MILLIONS of videos uploaded on YouTube right now. 

 They’re receiving billions of views. They’re proven to pull in visitors. And the content is grade A+ quality. Contentify’s proprietary AI turns those videos into fully fledged, high quality, articles, optimized to rank to the top of Google. Question... 

 Do you know what it’s like to have your page rank #1 on Google?

 Do you know how many visitors you could start driving to your links? Do you know how many leads you could get? 

 The answer is, a TON! In fact, all it takes is one article to go viral. You’ve catapulted your online business to unimaginable heights. 

You’ll be able to continue getting traffic for months or even years from now… Simply Turn Any YouTube Video Into An Article With Contentify And You’re Good To Go Enter the YouTube Activate the Contentify software, enter a keyword or paste any Youtube URLs, and choose a video to turn into an article. 

 YES, Content Creation Is Now Child’s Play There’s no reason to be stuck to a desk all day wasting your time and energy pumping out content. 

 Nor will you have to pay anyone a dime to write content for you. That’s because Contentify makes it easy peasy lemon squeezy. All you have to do is choose a YouTube video or paste any Youtube URLs and turn it into an article. From there, everything is smooth sailing... 

 The answer is, absolutely! Contentify finds videos that have creative commons, so no individual has copyright to that video That means, you won’t get slapped legally for plagiarism. BUT… 

 If you want to turn any YouTube video into an article, we do give you the option to credit the original creator, which is required for copyrighted videos.
Content that you didn’t have to pay a single penny for. Content that doesn’t require you to show your face. 

Content that people are searching for. Content that’s in any niche you want. Remember, 
this is 100% legal and ethical. 

You are not breaking any copyright laws when you turn YouTube creative commons videos into articles with Contentify.

  Snatch A Copy of Contentify With Our Early Founders Discount Get Contentify 
At A One Time Price 
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